What is the Trezor Wallet?
Trezor is a cryptocurrency hardware wallet that was first introduced in 2014 by a cryptocurrency company, SatoshiLabs. Trezor can be called the first cold wallet invented to securely store bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies offline, outside of an internet connection. This wallet is like a USB device that can be connected to any type of smart device today.
Its premium security features have attracted many crypto exchanges, traders, and average bitcoin traders to use it and it has become the most trusted crypto hardware wallet. The arrival of Trezor has taken crypto protection to the next level.
How does Trezor work?
Trezor is a single-purpose crypto wallet that is used to store cryptocurrencies, approve transactions, and help you manage any kind of digital identity.
Trezor gives you a 100% guarantee of your assets and protects all crypto entities from possible online and offline security risks. Trezor never stores the private key in a system of devices connected to the internet and confirms transactions without the internet. Personal data in Trezor will not be leaked under any circumstances, recorded or deleted even if you do not use it for a long time. Trezor never requires a battery backup; instead, power can be obtained via a USB connection.
Trezor’s Security Features
- Firmware Verification: Trezor will notify you if the bootloader’s signature verification does not match SathoshiLabs.
- Sealed Ultrasonic Hardware: Ultrasonic welding is used to enhance the hardware.
- Protected Key Activity: A PIN is used to authenticate private and public key operations.
- Safe Update Procedure: The bootloader will only erase and update the memory after successful firmware verification.
- Additional Passphrase Support-BIP39 Passphrase Support.
- Write Protected Bootloader: The bootloader is completely write protected because JTAG is completely disabled.
- Reliable Backup & Recovery: With the use of recovery seeds, you can recover lost data and crypto assets.
Among the other advanced features are:
- Password keeper
- U2F-Second Factor Authentication Token for Google Services, GitHub, and DropBox.
- Login to SSH
- How to recover if the Trezor wallet is lost, damaged or stolen?
- Trezor provides you with a plethora of options for easily recovering all of your data even if your wallet is lost, damaged, burned, or stolen. This can be achieved with master main access, called “Trezor Recovery Seed”
Trezor Recovery Seed
The recovery seed acts as an offline backup for your entire running device. It has a 12-to 24-word passcode that was automatically generated during Trezor setup. It will have 24 words like English words and it will be unique for your device. combinations of words in a sequence that can be repeated on a line. The beauty of the recovery seed is that if you lose your device, you can import it into another wallet with a similar setup as Trezor has.
User Guide for the Trezor Wallet
Every Trezor wallet has no setup or setup process, so it is imperative to set up the wallet before using it and start using it. Here are the easy steps to follow to set up your Trezor Wallet after making a purchase.
- Use a USB cable to connect the Trezor Wallet to your computer.
- Launch a browser and navigate to trezor.io/start
- Select a wallet model
- Download and install Trezor Bridge after visiting the wallet page.
- Follow the instructions on the screen.
- Once installed, the Trezor Wallet will be connected to the Trezor Device.
- You can also connect wallets and devices to WebUSB (WebUSB currently works for Betawallet).
- Install Latest Firmware: This is the initialization process. You can do this by going to wallet.trezor.io and clicking Install Latest Firmware.
- After installing the firmware, you will be redirected to the welcome page where you have the option to create a new wallet.
- Create New Wallet: While clicking on New Wallet, the device will automatically generate a unique seed which includes all your account details, device details, and everything
For maximum security, follow the steps below:
- Create a backup: By clicking on create a backup, you will record the recovery seed, presented as randomly generated English words along with specially designed tags inside the pack. Pay close attention to the words and write them down exactly as they are arranged.
- Give the device a name.
- Create a PIN: This protects your device from unauthorized access.
- Enable pass protection: This adds extra security or cryptography to your recovery seed.
How do I use my Trezor Wallet to Pay?
To send or receive payment, we have to follow the below steps.
- Insert the Trezor device.
- Navigate to your Trezor wallet’s account page.
- Click the “Submit” button.
- Select the cryptocurrency you want to send
- Enter the address by typing or by scanning the QR code if available.
- Substitute a value or quantity for the given amount.
- Transaction fee setting. You can choose high, normal, saving, or low variants.
- With labels, you can comment on transactions to identify payment purposes.
- Provide confirmation of transaction.
See ya in the next article !
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