What is Venus?

Venus is a decentralized protocol for lending and borrowing. It also creates synthetic stablecoins backed by various BEP-20 assets.

The protocol was developed by Swipe Wallet, which was acquired by Binance earlier this year for an undisclosed amount. Binance says the protocol will remove some of the characteristics of Ethereum, such as network congestion and high transaction fees, as it is built on top of the Binance Smart Chain.

The protocol works on Binance’s wish to grow Venus (XVS) from a digital asset project into an entire independent and decentralized ecosystem.

The problem that Venus (XVS) solves

In the traditional market, users have to prove their income and other factors if they want to get a loan.

What is the purpose of Venus’s birth? It is to turn traditional forms of lending into decentralized protocols on blockchains. In addition, the protocol is built on top of Binance Smart Chain to save money and time.

The birth of the Venus protocol has brought users a decentralized and safe market to borrow capital, earn profit, and store stable mint.

Tokens in the Venus ecosystem

XVS Token

XVS is the governance token (the governance token) in the Venus ecosystem.

VAI Token

backed up by the value of other cryptocurrency assets


The fixed assets generated by the protocol when providing collateral are called vTokens. vTokens represent units of collateral that can be used as an instrument of redemption. It is created and implemented by governance processes, voted on by Venus Token holders.

What is an XVS Token?

The Venus ecosystem’s native token is XVS.

XVS is used to vote on governance decisions such as upgrades, integration of new collateral, as well as changes to parameters on the platform, etc.

As a reward for participating in Liquidity Mining

At the present time, to own XVS, you can go to the Binance exchange to buy XVS.

Three core features of Venus

  • Over-collateralized lending: Users can borrow assets worth 75% or less of the value of the property they are offered.
  • Make a profit by providing that collateral for the protocol.
  • Mint stablecoin VAI: VAI is a stablecoin on Venus priced at 1 USD. Since VAI is generated by the same collateral as the protocol, users can borrow 50% of the collateral from their token to VAI.

What makes Venus (XVS) unique?

High speed and low transaction costs

The main strengths of Venus are its high speed and extremely low transaction costs, as it is built on top of the Binance Smart Chain. This protocol is the first to allow users to access the lending market for Bitcoin (BTC), XRP, Litecoin (LTC), and other cryptocurrencies to generate real-time liquidity thanks to its almost instantaneous transactions.


Customers who source liquidity using the Venus Protocol do not have to pass a credit check and can quickly borrow money by interacting with the Venus decentralized application (DApp). Since there is no centralized regulatory authority in place, users are not restricted by geography, credit scores, or anything else.

Accurate data

To avoid market manipulation attacks, Venus Protocol uses price data feed rules, including math from Chainlink, to provide accurate price data that cannot be tampered with.

Closing thoughts

This is not the only project that mentions an improvement over the Ethereum blockchain. There is no general consensus on whether future XVS price movement is positive or negative. Indeed, future growth is dependent on a variety of factors, including announcements, new technological solutions developed by Venus projects, the general crypto environment, regulatory position, and so on. We kindly remind you that before investing in any cryptocurrency, it is essential to do your own research (DYOR).

See ya in the next article !

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